Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Washington D.C.

We rarely go "out". For the first time in around 2 years we went to the movie theater a couple of months ago...(for Fifty Shades of Grey...duh.) We try to save our money to go on a trip at least twice a year. Once in the Spring & then again in the Fall/Winter. 

This year we decided to go to Washington D.C. in the Spring. But our first day there, you wouldn't have known it was Spring. It was 50 degrees & windy-which just made it that much colder. The next day was better.

We saw everything we wanted to see-with the exception of Ford's Theater-& that is only because we forgot to get tickets until that morning & they were sold out.

We were only there two days & one night. In order to see everything we wanted to see we walked around 23 miles in two days. Needless to say-we are still recovering. 

We were able to visit :: 

The Capital
The White House
WWII Memorial
Reflecting Pool / Lincoln Memorial
Arlington Cemetery
Changing of The Guards at The Tomb of The Unknown Soldier
JFK's Gravesite
National Monument 
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Museum of American History (My faaavorite)
Smithsonian Air & Space 
Jefferson Memorial
Roosevelt Memorial Park (which we didn't even know was there...just happened to stumble upon it)
Korean War Memorial

If  you're going to visit there...& you want to see a ton of stuff but you're only there for a short amount of time...Just time it out. Figuring out exactly how long it would take us to walk from place to place really helped us keep track of our time. We turned out ahead of schedule on both days. 

Here are just of the few pictures we took...

Now... in June we are flying down to Orlando. We will be spending a whole day at Epcot. One of my good friends is getting married at Disney World-which is the whole reason for this trip. And we will be going back for an actual trip to Disney World in either September or October. We 'cited :D

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