Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's & 50 Shades

Alex is not really a Valentine's Day kind of guy. It's not that he isn't romantic, he really is-he just doesn't think it should all be narrowed to one day out of the year. So this year when we got together on Valentine's Day I wasn't expecting anything. I knew I wanted to go to the movies & we planned to go later in the week to see 50 Shades of Grey.

I get to his house & he calls me in to his room & that is when I see this...

Best boyfriend or what?! I'm so lucky to have him forever. He is unbelievably good to me. He knows me oh so well. Balloons, chocolates, candy, cat things, stuffed animals, cupcakes, 2 cards, & a dozen roses. I love him so much!

& yesterday he took me to see 50 Shades of Grey. I was so happy with how the movie turned out. You always worry when they take a book & make it in to a movie. Of course the movie cannot be as good as the book-the books are hundreds of pages long. You can only cram so much in to two hours. But I think they did such a great job and getting all of the important things of the movie. Alex, of course, had no idea what to expect. He claims he went in with no expectations & the second the movie was over I looked at him and said "Well. What did you think?" He was literally left speechless. He loved the helicopter-Charlie Tango-& was quick to point out to me that the helicopter should've had its name code thingy (that's not the technical term he used) on both sides of it & it didn't. And then he went on about the airplane & gliders. He's obsessed. As for the rest of the movie, he said it was good. He says he can tell there is much more to everything than this first movie has shown. Which is so true. I can't tell him, obviously, everything that happens...but the second one only gets better! People always make a big deal about the book/movie. But they are people that have probably never read/seen all of the book/movie. Because they actually have good plots to them. 

Anyways....I love my may-un. <3

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